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Exhibiting at C4

NODES is the independent marketplace for a sustainable energy future where grid owners, producers and consumers of energy can trade decentralised flexibility and energy.

NODES, as an independent market operator, is addressing key trends and challenges in the energy system such as increased share of renewable power production, decentralised generation and the rapid change of the customer behaviour.

NODES vision is to build Europe’s most customer-centric, integrated energy marketplace to unlock the value of local flexible power resources and support the drive to a sustainable, emission free future.

NODES mission is to facilitate optimal use of flexibility in the grid by offering an open, integrated marketplace to all flexibility providers and grid operators.

Market Design

NODES market design does not lock you in to one platform, one aggregator, one buyer or one technical solution.
NODES is designed with a clear definition of roles.
NODES offers integration both on the horizontal level from the flexibility asset to the grid company, and on vertical level from low voltage to the transmission grid.