Exhibiting at M1

Innovation for decarbonisation.

Replacing fossil fuels with green alternatives is the most pressing challenge facing the UK’s energy system.

To meet the ambitious net zero carbon emissions targets set by the UK and Scottish Governments, sectors like heating and transport must decarbonise: transitioning away from using fossil fuels like natural gas and diesel to zero-carbon alternatives like hydrogen and biomethane.

These sectors are part of our day-to-day lives, but the global climate emergency means that these changes can’t wait. Progress needs to be made at pace and on a considerable scale. Almost 85% of UK households use gas for heating, so adapting our existing networks to use green hydrogen will allow us to decarbonise faster and further than the alternative.

Our team of researchers, engineers, economists and energy experts are striving to deliver a suite of innovation projects that will help make hydrogen the backbone of the UK’s future gas network. From world-first zero-carbon heat systems powered by clean renewable energy, to switching whole cities to hydrogen, our programmes will ensure that hydrogen and biomethane delivers on their early promise: ensuring secure, low-cost, zero-carbon heat and transport fuel and a greener future for all.